Christianity Is Not a Cult, It’s How It’s Taught

I know I’m stepping on some toes. Good!! People need to wake up! I’m so sick and tired of hearing people say they left Christianity for this and that reason. Stop making excuses; you left because you were persuaded to by your god or by someone else! You left because it is what you wanted to do. Stop blaming people, the church, and Christianity! When you put your salvation in the hands of your leaders and other people then negativity and disappointment is what you’re bound to get!

The Bible says “everyone who cries Lord Lord will not enter the Kingdom.” You know why? It’s because they aren’t living according to His will. They are the hearers, not the hearers and doers. They are the double minded, they are the wishy washy people, they are the ones trying to straddle the none existing fence, and they are the ones mocking God. They are the leaders and those who warm the pews Sunday after Sunday. The leaders teach well and they act the part very well, but many aren’t living according to God’s Word. The one’s sitting under their leaders are going to church to please their pastor’s and NOT God the Father and Jesus the Son! They are blind by the truth!

People must wake up and stop blaming the church when you SHOULD have the church within you! Where you attend or go is ONLY a place of worship to gather and fellowship. The church is within a Saint twenty four hours a day.

Many people go to churches of man and NOT churches of God, then they want to blame the church for their disappointments and bad spirits in the churches. Most churches of today are businesses about the mighty dollar and NOT our Mighty God and Lord and Savior! Churches of today allow anything into the church. The churches are ran more worldly than anything else. This alone tells you it’s not of God! Leaders are living any kind of way, speaking all kinds of trash from their mouths, and doing everything they know is against God. Yet, people are sitting under their leaderships praising and worshipping these leaders. They can’t see anything wrong with what’s going on and they are offended when you tell them the truth! If it’s not scripture then it’s NOT of God! When people know Jesus for themselves they should know better and do better! It’s not about pleasing man, it’s all about pleasing our Lord and Savior! Stop getting angry because of man when it is who many of you are worshipping and praising. When you worship and praise man expect to be let down!

Many church leaders are controlling their members. They literally tell them what they can and can not do. It’s because they are being taught as if it’s a cult. They are under the leadership of someone who isn’t under the leadership of Christ. When leaders make it all about self and material prosperity they leave out Christ! They only say enough to make people think it’s about Jesus when “the proof is in the pudding.” People must wake up and read the Bible for self! Don’t go to hell following people who aren’t following Christ. Stop allowing yourselves to be brainwashed and bamboozled! False leaders will definitely be charged, but you too will pay the prize for following him or her!

There are many people who can’t see the truth, because as I have said many times before, they’ve made their pastors their masters! People are led astray due to emotions and feelings about their leaders, churches, etc. Their leaders are saying things to “tickle their ears,” but doing nothing to feed their souls. Your soul salvation isn’t the responsibility of your leader, because he or she can’t give you salvation. Your salvation is your own responsibility and it’s free; the price has already been paid by Jesus Christ! Your leader knees will someday bow before the Father and the Son just like yours! Don’t let your leaders lead you to hell!

Will you continue to believe and put all your trust in man or will you begin to truly trust and believe in God the Father, Jesus the Son, and the Holy Spirit? Don’t allow your leaders, anyone else, or anything to lead you to hell. The devil has his angels and they are working for him doing whatever they can to get you to lose your soul for this world. Don’t let it happen to you. Stand up for Jesus and stand firmly on HIS Word and NOT the word of man! People willfully are being brainwashed, because they subject themselves to the word of man and NOT God the Father! People have given their leaders a position belonging ONLY to the True and Living God the Father Almighty!

Published by mz4rlcg

I'm simply someone who's trying to help somebody. We all have gone through something and if you haven't; keep on living you will. Adversities will come, but they won't last always. It's a personal choice as to whether we learn as we go through. Unfortunately many choose to live life on auto pilot, a continous cycle of the same drama. Change doesn't start with the other person, it starts with you! I am a Christian, Mentor, Motivator, Life Coach, Army Retiree, and Writer. I don't water it down, I keep it real!

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