Reaping What You Sow Has No Expiration

It’s coming back to you! You may seem to get by, you may even think you’re getting by, but you will NEVER get away! It’s coming back to you one way or another. Some people don’t believe it’s true, but it is. It’s very important to do right by people. Sometimes your wrong doings willContinue reading “Reaping What You Sow Has No Expiration”

Loving to the Point of Losing Yourself

Some people may not admit it, but I know a lot of people find themselves in this type of situation. It is unhealthy! If you lose yourself in someone the only reason a person does this is because they’ve never really found self. People who don’t know the difference between wants and needs are peopleContinue reading “Loving to the Point of Losing Yourself”

Is the World Really Worth Your Soul

I want you to really think about it. Many people profess Christ in their lives yet they are living any kind of way. This is the work of a double minded person. People get mad at the truth, but it’s still the truth. When I was in the world I honestly never thought about dailyContinue reading “Is the World Really Worth Your Soul”

Your Life is Your Life You Only Get One

This week I’m giving you a triple treat (smile). A lot of times people allow what they’ve gone through to hinder them for a lifetime. Life doesn’t have to be this way for anyone. Stop hindering your progress. Forgive, let go, and live! You may have started out able to point the finger at someoneContinue reading “Your Life is Your Life You Only Get One”

Sex Offenders Have Faces Like Yours and Mine

I know I recently wrote a post on sexual predators, but due to the fact I’ve heard a lot of it in the news this very week, I wanted to write another post on it. People have the tendency to shy away from subjects such as this. Go ahead and do whatever you please, butContinue reading “Sex Offenders Have Faces Like Yours and Mine”

Choosing Man’s Way Over God’s Way

Many people of the world today have chosen man’s way over thus sayeth the Lord. Everything God says is the right way, man is saying it’s the wrong way. Everything God says is the wrong way, man is saying it’s the right way. What’s even sadder is people don’t fear or respect God. They areContinue reading “Choosing Man’s Way Over God’s Way”

Signs Are Ignored, But Still Exist

It’s a shame the situations we willfully put ourselves in. I am including myself, because once upon a time I did it too, but thank God I learnt better and now do better. I’ve learned from every situation (good and the bad) in my life. It taught me what to accept and what not toContinue reading “Signs Are Ignored, But Still Exist”

Sexual Predators Are From All Walks of Life

This is long, but I feel it needs to be written. It saddens my heart how people want to tip toe around this subject. Many people don’t want to address this subject. I will!! I know a lot of people won’t like it, that’s okay too! I’m tired of hearing about these terrible acts committedContinue reading “Sexual Predators Are From All Walks of Life”

If He Saved You, No one can Take It Away

There has been controversy about once saved always saved. Personally I believe we are. Only Jesus saves! Romans 10:9 tells us what we must do to be saved. Once we make the vow we are saved. What man has authority to take from you what God has given you? Not one! I firmly believe peopleContinue reading “If He Saved You, No one can Take It Away”