Societies Have You All Fooled

Most of what we have believed is lies. One great lesson I’ve learned is that people make up societies. No wonder the world is in the shape it’s in, it’s because of the people. People make up societies all over the world and unfortunately, most are broken. People are brainwashed and oppressed, yet, they don’t even know it. People have believed lies for so long they actually believe them to be true. People don’t try to research or learn for self, they simply go by what has been told to them.

Every facet of life has been manipulated to some degree. People believe all women want children, a woman can’t properly raise a boy or a man can’t properly raise a girl, all people want to be married, white is superior, black is inferior, lighter the skin the better, women are the only ones who should cook and clean, all men are dogs, women interpret things wrong, women are whores, Black woman are angry, Blacks are the only murderers -thieves-salvages, etc., thin is the most beautiful way to be, big butts and a six pack is the most beautiful, people with degrees are smarter and better (to the point of people parading around with honorary degrees acting as if they worked hard in school for them, while someone who did work hard is overlooked), people think affirmative action was created for Blacks, but it wasn’t, and etc. I can go on and on and on and on. However, I hope you get it!

We have all been bamboozled for years upon years. The sad part is people go the their graves with the same old mindsets. People don’t try to learn, they choose to remain the same, thinking, feeling, and acting the same. We have become prisoners to our own mindsets. Most people are in mental chains of oppression.

People are risking their lives trying to enhance their bodies, lighten their skin (all groups of people, not just the so-called Blacks), and you name it, because they don’t believe they’re beautiful the way they are. They are losing their minds and lives seeking what they perceive is love, when they don’t even love self. They are led to believe in the warped and distorted views of societies, that’s made up of broken people. If you can’t love yourself, you’ll always end up in an unhappy relationship. People think they can love someone so hard the other person will change. It’s a part of the lie you’ve been taught to believe.

People believe that if you’re well-known you’re better, smarter, and more intelligent. They get more and better opportunities. People believe if you have a particular status, position, money, look a certain way, etc., they’re better than others. That is asinine and super immature ways of thinking. Unfortunately most people think that way. They will take advice from a well known person over someone who isn’t well known in a heart beat, even when the well known person has no clue as to what they’re doing or saying. They look at well known people and think their lives are together, when it’s furthest from the truth. People are people, well known or not. What you have, who you are, your title, position, nor status; will never take away the pain you have inside. It will never fix the broken part of you. That’s why many people accomplish things but have no peace within. They can’t enjoy what they have, because the mindsets they have won’t allow them to. They’re never satisfied, they want more and more.

So much is going on in the world and instead of people choosing to become better, they spend their lives worshipping and idolizing the people they feel are better than them, because of their titles, positions, status, money, possessions, etc. People make themselves miserable chasing after what society says they should have or to look how society says they should look, when the people you’re listening to are broken and unhealed, full of unresolved issues, depressed, full of anxiety, suicidal, and all types of things. You want to be them, when they want to be someone else. You only see what you perceive as their glory, when you don’t know their story. You only see what they want you to see. That’s people in general.

Stop believing you have to look a certain way. Stop chasing what society says you should chase. Doing so has led many to become more depressed and broken than ever. You can’t EVER find yourself, by trying to find it through people and things. You must look inward. No man or woman can change that unhealed part of you. No possessions, titles, money, status, fame, fortune, etc., can change that inner part of you that’s been neglected so many years.

Most individuals spend too much time idolizing and worshipping people and not enough tine working on self and getting out of their cycles, to become the best they can be. You’ll never truly grow and mature mentally, by remaining the same. If your mindset doesn’t change, neither will your life! You will stay on the same path you’ve always chosen to be on. To remain the same shouldn’t be your option! Lack of mental peace and unhappiness is a choice!

I’m done. I hope you get something out of it. Please check out my podcasts Think On It by Cherry (Relationship Chronicles and Relatable Life Chronicles). Something is there waiting just for you!

The New Year 2024

Many people make resolutions they know they’re not going to keep. What I want you to understand is an unchanged mind will always get the same result! Stop making resolutions which last temporarily and instead, change your mindset. When your mindset changes the change is permanent. Most people make resolutions for the wrong reasons, and that’s why those resolutions are abandoned after a short span. Whatever you want to change in your life, let it be what you need. Most individuals say they’re going to do this or that, but why does it take a New Year’s resolution to make people want to change when they know it’s something they should have already done? The reason people fail at completing their resolutions is because failing has become habit. They start, but they never finish, and they do it year after year. It turns into formality. Making resolutions is the expectations of societies and a habitual routine.

Until you choose change for yourself, no resolution will ever work! People live their lives on the wheel, going through the same cycles. Doing things the same, only to get the same results. People will blame and complain, but they never choose to change. People are focused more on pleasing and appeasing others, while neglecting self. People are so comfortable with what’s familiar, regardless of the negativity it brings in their lives. Whatever is in you is going to come out because what’s in you is who you really are. Most people you’re around are just like you. They’re pretending to be someone or something they are not! People are either unhappy, but walking around with smiles on their faces or they’re unhappy and walking around showing it on their faces. They’re acting one way when they’re really another way. Either way it’s the results of unhealed hearts and minds.

The only person in the world you can’t get away from is self. Whatever your resolution is it should be something you choose, because it affects your life, and not because a new year is coming. Don’t get me wrong, I applaud anyone who says they will start the new year off with change. However, most people will say it because it’s a ritual. It’s a type of ritual people are accustomed to being a part of. People all over the world make resolutions they don’t keep, because it’s an excepted ritual and formality. People do it because it’s expected and accepted, and is also the reason resolutions don’t last!

Change for yourself! Everyday, is a chance to become better. Don’t sit around a whole year waiting for another year to approach before choosing change. We are forever a work in progress, which means we can improve. We all should want to be better! No matter how true the statement is most people won’t choose change. No one gets younger, we’re all getting older. Most people get wiser to some degree, but unfortunately they don’t apply what they’ve learned, in their lives. Most people fail to get the lesson from their experiences because although negativity is hard, it is familiar, which makes it comfortable. They continue through life the same way. The one person ignored the most is the very same person who needs the most work and attention, which is yourself! Stop seeking the change you need, in others! It never works, because no one can change you and you can’t change anyone.

You’re the only person who can change your life! Others can influence your life, but you are the one who must make the necessary change/s within yourself. Sadly, most people look outward to others to become better or to feel better about self, but they will not do the necessary inside work! Inside work is critical to a healthy mindset and life! Most times looking at others is like looking in a mirror, because people attract like minded folks into their lives, which adds to the drama in their lives, ultimately making their own lives worse. When unhealed hearts and minds don’t change, it means people continue to hold on to the negativity they’ve always embraced. You can’t become better by remaining the same! Change starts and ends with you. You can choose lasting change or you can stay on the wheel, living the same cycle. Either way is up to you! Nothing changes for good, until your mindset has changed. A changed mindset will change your life! It shouldn’t take an approaching new year for it to happen. You should want to be better, period! Not for anyone, other than for yourself!

You Never Know What You Have To Face

None of us knows what’s going to be on our paths in life. We don’t know what we will have to face. However, don’t let any of your cobblestones turn into obstacles. Sometimes we go through things because of our spouses, significant others, our children, family, friends, or others. Despite of who, don’t let it get you down. Don’t let the actions of others take your peace. I don’t care who it is or what it is, don’t let it take your peace.

I firmly believe that as long as you know that you’ve done the right things in life and by people, what other people do doesn’t fall on you. People may look at you when it involves your children or family members, but that’s just how people are. They’ll look at you for the decisions someone else made when you had nothing to do with it. So many individuals can’t become people with better mindsets, because they’re too busy casting the blame on others. They’re too busy trying to appease and please everyone else, while they continue to neglect self.

It is one reason I talk a lot about being the best good and positive parent you can be to your children. When you plant good seeds, you should have a peace of mind, if or when they make stupid decisions. It goes for other family members as well. It is not your fault what they do and don’t allow them or anyone else to make you feel their senseless decisions are because of you. Sometimes in life, no matter how much you try to motivate, educate, inspire, mentor, etc., a person will do exactly what he or she wants to do. That doesn’t fall on you! As long as you know you were a good positive person in their life, that is the most important thing.

Some people simply want to learn the hard way. They want to play the victim when they were never a victim. They go through life doing it their way and not listening to anyone else until they get in a situation they can’t get out of. Then, afterwards, they want to listen to you and anyone else, but by then oftentimes it’s too late. At that point the only thing you can do is pray for them. As unfortunate as it may be, you have to remember you did your best and they made a bed they must lie it. It’s sad, but it is the truth. It never have to get to that point for no one, if people would simply be willing to listen and stop thinking they know everything, just because they are adults. We all can stand to listen sometimes to the suggestions, recommendations, and/or advice of others. However, in many instances it isn’t the case.

I wanted to encourage you, because many of us have gone through senseless crap or is currently going through it, because those we love chose to do senseless things. Keep your head up, stay strong, keep your faith in Jesus and God, love yourself, love them, and keep it moving. You can be sad, angry, or whatever you may feel, but don’t stay there. As I mentioned earlier, as long as you know you’ve done the right thing, be at peace my friends. God bless!!

Who’s Behind the Mask

Most of the people you see are hiding behind a mask. It’s not visible to the naked eye, but it’s there. You have no control over the life of anyone other than your own. As a parent, you have control over your child’s life until they get of age to think on their own. The problem is children are at the mercy of their parents. The lives of many children are filled with chaos and drama because of parents projecting their unresolved issues onto their children.

I started this post the way I did because every adult person you see or have ever seen, life started as an infant who grew into an adult. What children endured can affect them, but it doesn’t have to dictate the rest of their lives. However, unfortunately for many, it does. Most of the people you see walking around are hiding who they really are. These people have become comfortable with who they pretend to be. They’re comfortable in the abnormal spaces they’ve made normal.

It’s more exhausting pretending to be someone else or something else than it is to become a better person. The proof is in how people are living, what they’re allowing and accepting, and how easily influenced and brainwashed they are. What I’m seeing from people today is very disturbing and real sad! Many people are living hard lives. They’re literally struggling and dangling between sanity and insanity. It’s because instead of choosing to change and become better, people are remaining with their negative and easily influenced mindsets.

People have become so comfortable with being fake until they don’t know who they really are. In fact, the average person can’t handle being along by his or herself. This is a terrible mindset to have. When you don’t love yourself enough to be by yourself, it’s a major problem. The lack of self love is because many people still give power to their past bad or traumatic experiences. The reason most people don’t love self is they believe they’re not worthy, because of what they went through in life.

Who’s behind the mask? A mask has no benefit, because it prevents you from dealing with the root cause of why you are the way you are in order to heal from it. People think it helps them get through life, but in truth, a mask hinders you and keeps you right in the same negative head space.

No one can grow and mentally mature, by remaining the same. You may accomplish things in life, but you’ll never truly be happy with no one or nothing. If you don’t believe me, right now ask yourself. Are you truly happy and have mental peace? If you have no mental peace, you’re an unhappy person who don’t love yourself. To reach a level of mental growth and maturity, you must be willing to face what ails you and have formed the mindset you’ve adopted and adapted to. You must be honest with yourself by facing the inner issues that you’ve held so tightly to affecting you and your life. You have to stop giving power to people who’ve hurt you. Instead, understand that they hurt you because they too were hurt by someone. Stop doing to yourself and others, what was once done to you. You can’t ever be the best you can be if you live life as a vicious cycle. Forgive and move on, because as I always say, forgiveness is for you! Learn to love yourself despite what anyone has said about you or have done to you. Then, and only then, can you let go, move on, grow, and mentally mature into a better person, who can see clearly. The masks will fall away if you’re willing to do better to be better!

What’s Your True State of Mind

Your state of mind totally affects how you begin and end each day. I know that unexpected things can be thrown at us (how it affects you depends on your mindset). I know that other people can cause chaos in our lives (how it affects you depends on your mindset). I know that people who haven’t healed from their past pains go day to day carrying things from their pasts. I can list an endless amount of things, but the bottom line is how we choose to go through our lives, depends on each of us, (individually)! People can make every excuse there is and blame others or things; reality is, it falls on us, (individually).

I believe with every fiber in my body that our mindsets determines how we think, act, and feel (real or fake). If we are negative, it will often affect the way we think upon rising every morning. If we want a good day, it is how we must think about it as we begin the day (every day)! Be grateful for what you have and stop allowing what you don’t have to depress you or make you feel bad. One fact I’ve learnt is that most people willfully choose to remain the same. They go through life with issues they’re holding inside, and allowing to affect many facets of their lives. Yet, they do nothing to change. Instead, they go through life the very same way. Some people literally have to drag themselves out of their beds to work, school, or wherever they have to go. What’s even sadder is they form a habitual lifestyle of doing it. They are accustomed to waking up with the “woe it’s me syndrome.” Changing is always an option!

Most people live life on auto-pilot, they are simply going through the motion. They’ve settled with how they are, even though they’re miserable. Yet, they never choose to deal with why they are the way they have chosen to become. Basically, I’ve written all of that to write this; if we don’t choose to heal from our internal pain or unresolved issues, those things will affect our lives. What’s in us has been caused by our past experiences (trauma, good experiences, or other bad experiences), which is how our mindsets are formed. We are who we are, based on those experiences, learnt behaviors, and conditioning of our minds. We can choose change by becoming better or we can hold on to the negativity allowing it to inhibit our growth and maturity. Most people have succumbed to it for a life time of self-inflicted pain (problems, chaos, drama, etc.). Unfortunately, most people choose the latter. They remain the same!

Most people have learned to struggle through life, and although a struggle, they still manage to get through things. People who are this way don’t realize their strength, which is indication of their ability to be better. All they can see and feel is the struggle, which is what they react to. Then there are those who barely can function day to day. Despite which state of mind, people choose to be who they are. People can fake their way through, but it doesn’t benefit them. It keeps them in the mindset of faking, instead of becoming better. Those who choose to become better are those who have decided to deal with their inner issues so that they can heal from them. They also learn to love self! They learn that how they think and feel about self is far more important than what others, think and feel about them. This is what it takes to become the best version of ourselves!!!

You can’t blame anyone or anything for how you as an adult have willfully chosen to become. Blaming, faking, and pretending only keeps people doing more of the same! The option to change is always an option and a better one I might add. If you want better in your life, you must do something different! Only you can change who you are. You have to want it and then do it! All of the choices and decisions we make, what we allow and accept in our lives, etc., etc., depends on our mindsets. How we love or don’t love (self and others), what we choose to allow in our lives, how we trust (too much or the lack their of), the insecurities, fears, phobias, etc., etc., all depends on our mindsets. What’s your true state of mind? No matter how much a person fake and pretend, if it isn’t positive, the truth will show! Choosing to be a prison to your own mindset is a choice, but one; that no one should choose! People remain the same, because it’s familiar and comfortable. That alone is a major problem that most people have adopted, and adapted to in their lives. Again, what is your state of mind?! If you’re in denial about it you’ll remain where you are and will continue to see the truth played out in your life.

Your Path

The path you choose is up to you! I believe where people get lost and distracted as adults is instead of choosing their own paths, they choose to remain on the same ones. Many people live unhappy lives, because they give so much energy to their past pains. Therefore, they have unresolved hurt inside that keeps them with negative mindsets. They choose to look outward to people and things, only to find the hurt remains and oftentimes more is brought into their lives by other people, because of what is allowed and accepted. No matter the pain, they become comfortable and familiar with that pain.

I do understand how certain people can hurt you. People hurt you, because someone hurt them. They never worked through their hurt. Most people bottled it up, coped improperly, and projected it onto others. Most trauma is experienced during a person’s childhood. Despite of where it started or who did it, as adults, we all choose the path we’re on. Life could be beautiful if people would embrace change. Many people give into their hurt, allowing old trauma to dictate their lives. They don’t try working through it, they succumb to the hurt, and most will carry it inside for a lifetime. Negative mindsets are formed out of bad experiences.

We only get one life to live. Unfortunately, most people make their lives unnecessarily hard. People bring so much self inflicted drama in their own lives, because of the choices and decisions they make. When people have unresolved hurt, they’re normally blind to the truth. When a person is blind to the truth, they normally have a life full of self inflicted drama.

There are millions of people who are inflicting the same trauma they experienced as children on their children and other people. As adults, they choose to remain on the same paths with the same mindsets they’ve always had. Many people go through life faking and pretending, only to maintain the same ways of thinking, feelings, and acting. This truth is shown in their choices, decisions, what they allow and accept, and ultimately, who they choose to become, and how they choose to live their lives. No one have to go through life constantly struggling and battling with their own demons and the demons they open themselves up to. Your mindset determines the path you choose. If you want better, you must do better. You can’t become a better person by remaining the same. You must choose a different and better path.

How People Affect Your Life Is Up To You

Stop giving your power to others. People can only take it from you when you give it up! When you deal with negative people they will always show you their true sides. The problem is it depends on the mindset you’re in, as to whether you can see it or not. I always talk and write about people with unhealed hurt, (brokenness). It’s true most people have gone through some type of bad experience or some degree of trauma. If these individuals do not heal from their pains, it will affect them in devastating ways, causing a life of dysfunction. They’re givers or takers of negativity, which comes in many forms.

Negative people don’t care, because to them it’s not about you, it’s about what they want. It’s why many negative people sabotage their own lives. Deep inside, they don’t believe they’re worthy of anything or anyone good, and they don’t love self. When a person is too blind to see, because of their own brokenness, they’ll most likely open self up to drama, by allowing and excepting things they shouldn’t.

Negative people with their own personal agendas, will always put you through hell, because they see your vulnerability stemming from your own brokenness. Most people never heal, because they’re either too concerned with loving someone or getting something they want, until they overlook and/or deny what’s in their faces. People make their lives much more complicated than it has to be, because most people choose to remain the same and where they’ve always been mentally. They look at things one-sided when it comes to love, because they base everything on their wants desires, feelings, emotions, etc., which prevents them from seeing the big picture. They only see what their unhealed hearts and minds wants to see. They can’t see beyond that, which cripples the lives of most people.

Most individuals have negative people in their lives (friends, family, significant others, bosses, co-workers, pastors), and the list goes on and on. Those individuals know they are negative, and it’s why they can see the vulnerability in you. Fact is you show them to some degree (by what you allow and accept). Negative people go through life wreaking havoc in the lives of anyone who opens his or herself up to it. If you want things to become better in your life, you’re the one who must make a change. Don’t look for your significant other to change or anyone else, you must change yourself and your life.

People will always treat you exactly how you allow. If you don’t change your life, people will always test you to see what you let them get away with. They will ultimately treat you how you allow them to treat you. It all comes from that unhealed place inside. When you change how you think to a positive state, everything about you will change. One thing for certain is when a person truly changes, that person will no longer allow negative people to affect their life. You will no longer give anyone your power. Every single thing you do in your life is up to you! How you allow anyone to affect you, is not up to them, it is up to you!

You Must Change in Order to Change Your Situation

You always put everyone and everything first, but what about you? When will you matter to you? While a lot of you are breaking your backs trying to please and appease someone else, what that person or those people care most about is, what they can get from you. People will crap on you for as long as you let them. Truth is you don’t matter that much, what matters to them is that they matter so much to you! It matters to them that you don’t rock the boat! It matters to them that they keep getting from you what they’re getting. It matters to them that you keep coming back for more, (whatever it is). It matters to them that you won’t say no. It matters to them that you remain blind. It matters to them that you never realize that you deserve better. It matters to them that you keep giving them a pass. It matters to them that you never realize your worth, power, or value. Get my point! You must change you, in order to change your situation?

I will guarantee you one thing. People will always treat you exactly how you’ve taught them to treat you! I teach people, the one person that people ignore the most, is self! It’s a fact! People are too focused and fixated on the lives of others; while theirs fall apart. When you live life this way, you always open yourself up to the baggage of others. What’s crazy is people look outward, seeking someone to make them feel good about self, when they don’t feel good about their own self, and the person they’re looking to, don’t feel good about his or herself either. It’s an unhealthy mindset to have! An unhappy person sure can’t make you happy! Happiness must first start within you!

Looking outward will always keep you on the same path. No one is exempt! In order to become the best we can be, we all have to deal with those unresolved issues inside of us (that forms negative mindsets), and move on, with the goal of becoming the best we can be (mind, body, and soul)! You can’t do it if you keep holding on to the past, people, or things, you should have let go! You can’t do it by looking outward for someone to fix, save, change, or complete you, because it’s a task you must accomplish for yourself.

Hopefully, one day you will want to get off the wheel and change you, in order to change your situation. Carrying your own baggage and that of others will only keep you exactly where you’ve always been. If you don’t care, neither will they. You create the monsters in your life (significant others, friends, children, family member, others, etc.). If you haven’t dealt with your own baggage, you won’t be able to handle the baggage of anyone else nor will you try. That’s a promise and guarantee! Too many people are in denial about their own lives. Only you can change you, in order to change your situation!

If You Don’t Face the Man/Woman In The Mirror

It will affect your life forever! Most people spend their entire lives engulfed, mesmerized, fixated, obsessed, and focused on the life of others (significant others, children, friends, family, celebrities, etc). However, the person they neglect the most is self! People go through life the exact same way when the benefit of it is none. Instead they are constantly dealing with disappointment, hurt, rejection, and dysfunction. The eye opener here is, it’s all self inflicted, because of their choices, decisions, and what they allow and accept in their lives! It’s a hard truth, but it is still the truth. People are this way due to past experiences that has affected how they think, which affects how you feel and act.

Most people are great at trying to help others. They are great at motivating, encouraging, educating, influencing, inspiring, mentoring, etc., others, but fail to implement those very things in their own lives. Instead they look to others to validate, recognize, motivate, and encourage them. People look for so many things in others that should be within self, but can’t grasp this reality, because they are blind to the truth. People go through drama, they’re so used to being the way they are, they don’t think they need change.

This post isn’t to hurt anyone’s feelings. I hope it motivates and educate people about the blockages people put in their own way. If you never choose to face the person who’s staring back at you in the mirror, the inner you will remain the same. Therefore, your life will be affected, because of the unresolved issues inside of you, that repeatedly leads to dysfunction. You can’t be a truly positive person with unhealed pain inside of you or with the wrong mindset that leads to bad choices and decisions. This type of mindset also leads to allowing and accepting the wrong things in your life.

I’ve written and spoken about how the inner part of us is where the dysfunction lies. When it’s unresolved, it always pools to the surface and affect our everyday lives. It’s a choice for people to remain the same, just as it’s a choice for a person to change. People try to fix, save, and change others, but never take up the challenge to do it for self (for their own lives). This is why many people are failing self over and over. This is why we see the products of brokenness all over the world, from all walks of life. Most people will work hard towards their wants, desires, dreams, and goals, and many will achieve them, but due to the fact their inner man/woman is the same, they have the same ole mindset affecting their mental states. They gain a lot of possessions, but they’re not happy. They’re never satisfied, because of the inner man/woman still holding on to the negativity inside of them. This ruins and sabotages the lives of many.

I pray that people realize it doesn’t matter who they are, what they have, the positions they hold, or nothing else. If people don’t deal with the unresolved inside of them, they will continue through life making similar or the same types of choices and decisions. It’s important to know that you matter and that you should be priority to yourself. Being the best you can be should be important to you. Unfortunately, it’s not the case for many, because most people, make everyone and everything else, much more important. Until people face self, they’ll remain the same and we all will continue to see the results of their unresolved pains from their inner part of self.

Most people are plagued by their past unresolved issues and they continue to consistently and faithfully carry those issues from here to there and everywhere. It affects many facets of their lives, but because people are so familiar with their dysfunction, most don’t realize just how dysfunctional they are. People are so used to faking and pretending, but one thing they know 100%, is they’re faking and pretending with others, but they can’t with self. When you face reality, you know for a fact that the one person you can’t get away from is you and the one person you can’t fake out is of yourself. These individuals feel a lot of pain when they have to be alone, they feel depressed, sad, lonely, and alone, etc. Oftentimes they’re lonely amongst a room full of people, but it’s because of what is inside of them. When people don’t deal with self, their issues plague their lives in many different ways.

Be to yourself all those things you’re seeking in others. Love yourself enough to be the best you can be, mind, body, and soul.

When Social Media is Your Life

Ohhh boy, the problems you’ll face not only as a creator/ influencer, but also as a person who follows them! If social media is your life you’ll find yourself going along to get along, lying to belong or lying for success, believing anything, willing to stalk, willing to harm, and many other things; that all leads to more unhappiness in your life. Why? It’s because of the mindset you have before you started.

People are mesmerized and hypnotized by social media either as a content creator or as a follower. Some people make social media their livelihood. They make social media a platform to make money and for many, they end up making it their sole breadwinner. This is where people get into problems and cross the line into darkness. People put themselves in situations when they make it their monetary livelihood based on how many people following and how much content they put out. This is when your followers can make or break you. People find themselves spiraling out of control trying to keep up with the demands of people, Youtube, Twitter, FB, Instagram, etc. People become depressed when followers, etc., don’t like their content, or if they say something negative about it. People begin to lie and deceive to keep content flowing. As I stated earlier, people begin to cross the line into darkness and deceit.

People are put on pedestals by their followers and find it difficult to stay there. The content creators/influencers, begin to love the attention, recognition, accolades, glitz & glam, etc., There are countless hours put into trying to keep content relevant and flowing. People are losing rest, neglecting self, lying, deceiving, and doing all types of stuff to keep their brands going. When you put your life in the hands of others (your followers and the people you’re working for) it often can lead to some form of disaster, because it gets to a point where it’s too much to keep up with and too much to handle.

When you see people constantly back to back are pumping content out, most of those people are stressed and strained. When you have no peace in your life, it will eventually show in some form or another. Millions of people are chasing the tangible (visual) things (those things they can see and touch). Unfortunately, millions of people don’t know how to pace themselves and not allow themselves to be controlled by their followers and the platforms they work for. They will often do anything to stay relevant. Some people are so eager and desperate, they begin to seek out satanism in order to continue remaining relevant and to keep money flowing. People don’t like the truth, but it’s still the truth. People cross the line into darkness. Regardless of how, people still cross the line.

On the other end of the spectrum you have followers who are mesmerized and hypnotized by the content creators/influencers. They hang on to every word they say or onto everything they do. Followers spend countless hours of their days on social media, probing as much as possible into the lives of those they follow. They lack understanding that most of what they see isn’t really who the person is. Many of the people they’re following lead unhappy lives. I know it’s hard to believe, but it’s true. Many of you don’t understand the pain others are dealing with, because you don’t deal with your own. They’re faking and pretending too! Many followers go through life thinking the people they follow are more important, because they are content creators/influencers, etc. They are not more important than you! When you feel such a need to probe into the life of someone every single day of your life, whether you know it or not, that’s a problem. Anyone who can’t go a day without social media is an individual who have unresolved issues.You have become addicted, possessed and controlled by it. I know someone won’t like this, but it’s true. I’m your reality check today! You don’t understand those people you’re pouring your hearts and souls into, are people just like you! I don’t care if they’re rich or not. When it comes to hearts and minds, status doesn’t matter, those people are like you (seeking, desiring, wanting, chasing, etc). You can’t see it, because you’re caught up in their lives, a life you really don’t know.

It’s your decision what you do as the content creator/influencer or follower. Bottom line of this post is if you make social media your everything, it will eventually lead to more problems in your life and you will neglect yourself even more.

There have been many content creators who came out and said they were frauds. They lied to build their brands, etc. It happens all of the time. If you don’t know who you are as a person, you’ll fall into the trap as a content creator/influencer or as a follower.

There’s nothing wrong with liking, loving, or following people. There’s nothing wrong with wanting to follow your dreams, make money, etc. However, the problem is when you live and breathe it! The problem is when you neglect yourself for it! The problem is when you’ll do anything or believe anything! The biggest problem is when you don’t know and love yourself, because you’ll fall for almost anything. Any person who know and love his or herself will not be controlled by no social media platform (as content creator/influencer or as a follower). Societies around the world wants to blame social media, because of the content that’s out there. The truth is it doesn’t matter what’s out there; what’s affecting the people is their mindsets, which is what causes them to fall for what they hear and see. Mindsets are formed by experiences (traumatic or experiences in general, good or bad, etc). Mindsets affect how people think, feel, and act. Mindsets affects what people allow and accept and it affects their choices and decisions.

Like it or not. It’s the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth! Millions of people spend most of their day on social media. Many are at work scrolling through and/or posting on a social media platform/s. You don’t think that’s a problem? If you can’t stay away, it’s a problem! If it’s controlling you and your life, it’s a problem!