Your Feelings Are In Your Way

I talk about self love a lot. It is absolutely necessary, because without it people subject themselves to unnecessary drama. Most times their focus is seeking love at all cost. They are too blind to see the price is too high. When individuals don’t love self it obscures their view of love, because they don’tContinue reading “Your Feelings Are In Your Way”

Your Fears Are Limiting You

Many people find themselves stuck due to their own fears. Granted this came from something they’ve gone through, but the fact remains fear will stagnate you! Many people won’t take a chance on anything due to fear. Your mind can be your worst enemy and unfortunately it is just that for many people. Fear canContinue reading “Your Fears Are Limiting You”

Loving You and Your Flaws

Unfortunately a lot of people hate how they look, however the problem is deeper than that! I think we all have something we may want to improve, but this post is referring to people who don’t like what they see to a point of surgery, etc. This goes deeper than just wanting to lose fatContinue reading “Loving You and Your Flaws”

Life Keeps On Rolling

Sometimes you lose a loved one through death, breakup, or divorce, sometimes you refuse to let go of someone who doesn’t want you; sometimes they die, but you refuse to move on, sometimes although abused and controlled by someone due to inner issues you stay; sometimes despite it being the wrong person and wrong situationContinue reading “Life Keeps On Rolling”