Selfish or Selfless

How can you build a strong foundation if you don’t know what a strong foundation means, looks like, or what it takes to build one? I believe this is one of the biggest problems when it comes to relationships. People are eager to get into one, but have no clue what a healthy relationship involves. InContinue reading “Selfish or Selfless”

Seeing What You’re Shown

When you love yourself, this is very easy to do. You will be aware and you will NOT get into anything that isn’t good for you. Sadly many won’t do it, because although they’re seeking love they don’t love themselves and they don’t have a clue what love is. The reason many will miss what isContinue reading “Seeing What You’re Shown”


Many are walking around mentally, spiritually, emotionally, and physically drained. Believe it or not to be this way is a personal choice. I’m sure some of you won’t agree and you have that right, however it’s the truth. Whatever power a person give to people or things determines how it affects them. If a person allow people orContinue reading “Drained”