Addicts and the Choices They Make

This is a somewhat personal post. My uncle died just this week due to the affects of alcoholism. He isn’t the first of my family members to die due to this. My uncle repeatedly said he didn’t want to give it up, he wasn’t giving it up, and if it kills him it kills him.Continue reading “Addicts and the Choices They Make”

Power Given is Always Taken

I was recently talking to a group of people and it never ceases to amaze me the things people are going through. Most of what people go through they’ve actually caused by allowing it in their lives. You, me, nor anyone else when in a relationship has to take anything you don’t want to takeContinue reading “Power Given is Always Taken”

The Beautiful Presence of The Holy Spirit

It dwells in all who believes. The Bible says “faith without works is dead!” People talk real good, but they don’t walk it. We can’t simply be hearers of the Word, we must be doers as well. This is why many don’t believe miracles are happening today. They ARE happening, people must believe! Many peopleContinue reading “The Beautiful Presence of The Holy Spirit”

Millionaire Appetite on Dollar Tree Budget

Flat out if the shoe fits wear it! There is absolutely nothing wrong with dreams and goals, but those are things you work towards to obtain. Right? Until then, stop trying to live above your means. It has gotten you nowhere and it will get you nowhere! Stop pretending to be something you’re not. StopContinue reading “Millionaire Appetite on Dollar Tree Budget”