GOD the Father and His Son Jesus and then others

I already know millions don’t want to hear about or read about God, but one day you will reminisce the many times you were told, but you chose to dismiss and it will be too late for many. God is real and He’s showing us in so many ways. People are seeing miracles that they still characterize as luck. People are seeing signs on top of signs in the skies, that they have no understanding of what it means or why. People are seeing many things that represents God and his existence, but fail to accept it as such.

The way of the world had changed so much. Things that are against God are accepted as right and things that are for God are accepted as wrong. God specifically said there must be a separation of the right from the wrong. Many don’t accept this because they want to continue to do what they do.

People don’t want to give up the wrong for the right. They don’t want to give up the nasty filthy ways of this world. Most importantly; they don’t believe in God, but they eagerly and wholeheartedly believe in gods.

I can’t save anyone and I have no heaven or hell to put you in, but it is my duty to tell you about God. It’s my duty to show you the way. If you believe and accept wonderful, but I can’t make you, the decision is yours to make of your free will.

In today’s world almost anything goes. We’re living in a Burger King world (have it your way). People are getting slapped on the hands for doing unthinkable things. The reason for this is because many who are making the decisions are also living the ways of the world. They are serving gods and some of them are worshipped as gods. Therefore, they think they’re above God.

People are so busy serving and worshipping man as if they’re God that they don’t have the time to receive God and His Son Jesus. They aren’t willing to accept someone they think they can’t see. They’re blind to the truth. God is real and He shows Himself to us everyday in some way. When God shows Himself people accept His work as everything other than it being the work of God.

What’s sad is that people flock to individuals who they think are holy, because they can see them in the flesh. They flock to the Pope, self made prophets from all over the world, etc..etc. I’m not disputing who they are, but what I know is they aren’t God the Father. These individuals are being worshipped and when they are those who worship them are choosing to worship other gods and NOT God the Father.

The people of this world are becoming more and more evil. The ways of the world is becoming more and more against God. People are going about their business as if there’s nothing going on. People don’t want to accept the truth about anything when it’s against what they think, feel, want, or believe. They can be in the lion’s den, but they will stay there because they want to do what they want to do and not what is best for them, people make these bad choices of free will. They don’t want to be told anything when they know it’s against the way they live their lives. They want to stay in the midst of their nasty ways committing fornication, adultery, immoral sex acts against one another – animals-children, idolizing people and things, serving false gods, and doing anything and everything against GOD and His WORD.

People are busybodies, they want this and that, they’re greedy for material things (money, shoes, clothes, cars, houses, , etc). They’re caught up in positions, titles, statuses, etc. They are addicted to sex, drugs, alcohol, food, etc. They idolize and completely worship other people who has status, etc. They’re so focused on following and worshipping other people that they don’t have lives of their own. These things and people are their gods. Unbeknown to people, these things will past away. People are building their treasures on earth when they should be preparing for their treasures in Heaven.

We haven’t seen anything yet, there are things to come that people will be so fearful their hearts will fail them when they see these things (it’s in the Word). Things are coming that people will not know how to handle nor will they be able to handle. People have turned against God, but this is because they never fully received Him, while others never accepted Him at all.

There is evil lurking at every corner, but society want to call it mental illness versus calling it what it is 98% of the time which is evil. A mentally ill person isn’t mentally capable to devise elaborate plans to kill people or commit certain acts, but evil people are. There are entities around us that we can’t see (dark powers) that are at work. We constantly struggle with mental warfare. People don’t want to believe in this, they accept the term mental illness. One reason the world isn’t on top of this, is because they’re not accepting that evil exist. I know some people know it does, but those who are in positions to give it a name don’t want to deal with other possibilities.

When you talk of evil and dark powers people want to run and hide. Hilarious isn’t it? People want to run and hide from something that seems fearful, yet they don’t understand God has power over all things. These things exist and God exist whether you want to believe it or not. Your disbelief does nothing but hinder you. This is why people are falling into these episodes the world calls mental illness, because they don’t believe in God or these dark powers. Unfortunately millions aren’t in tune with their own bodies and when they’re attacked they don’t know what’s going on. They simply submit and do the unthinkable.

I can go on forever on this but I won’t. I pray that you get on  God the Father and His Son Jesus’s side before it’s too late. You’ve tried EVERYTHING else, why not try Him? You trusted and believed in EVERYONE else, why not trust and believe in Him. “He may not come when you want Him or think that He should, but He’s always on time.” I am a living witness!

The ways of the world may look good, but I promise you it isn’t good for you. The choice is yours to make. I know many don’t like this post, but it’s okay. I know people and I understand that when it comes to things that are good for you many will reject it, because they don’t want to give up their old ways. I’m sorry for you and I can’t do anything but love you and continue to pray for you. I pray that you receive God before it’s too late.

Published by mz4rlcg

I'm simply someone who's trying to help somebody. We all have gone through something and if you haven't; keep on living you will. Adversities will come, but they won't last always. It's a personal choice as to whether we learn as we go through. Unfortunately many choose to live life on auto pilot, a continous cycle of the same drama. Change doesn't start with the other person, it starts with you! I am a Christian, Mentor, Motivator, Life Coach, Army Retiree, and Writer. I don't water it down, I keep it real!