Living For Everyone Other Than Yourself

Yes you read it correctly! This is exactly what many people do. Many people live trying to please everyone else while they suffer silently. The main source of suffering comes from the inside, but the magnitude of suffering flows out. What’s going on inside always presents and shows up spoiling your outside world. We alwaysContinue reading “Living For Everyone Other Than Yourself”

What Defines You is up to You

Are you alone or with someone? It doesn’t matter which category you fit it, neither defines you unless you choose to allow it to define you. Many people in this world have a problem with being alone. Truth is this is a problem within itself! If a person finds it difficult to be alone it’sContinue reading “What Defines You is up to You”

Take a Moment to Listen

If you’re searching for some guidance, education, information, motivation, inspiration, sincerity, truth, etc please take time to scroll through and listen to some of my podcasts. I live what I preach/teach and all I care about is helping someone to think outside of their normal ways of thinking. When things aren’t working for you thenContinue reading “Take a Moment to Listen”

The Same Beaten Path

This beaten path is the path most people choose to take. Despite the dysfunction it causes many people choose this continued path of dysfunction. What’s truly sad is no one has to do this. We all have freewill and the opportunity to take a different path. Most people stay on their familiar paths instead ofContinue reading “The Same Beaten Path”

Thinking for Yourself

I guarantee many people think this title doesn’t relate to them, but it does to most. Look around at what is happening in the world today. It clearly shows many people aren’t thinking for themselves. Many people are offended by this truth. They’re vulnerable and easily influenced, persuaded, and encouraged by someone else. They’re oftenContinue reading “Thinking for Yourself”

Consequences of Bad Choices and Decisions

There are always consequences for our actions. A person can’t be led to do something wrong if they aren’t willing to follow. Why you follow the wrong things is what a person must explore. Many people don’t look at the consequences of their actions until they’re facing those consequences. Individually we are responsible for howContinue reading “Consequences of Bad Choices and Decisions”

Why Some People Age, But Don’t Mature

It’s true, many people get older, but don’t necessarily mature. It’s sad to say, but most people live unhealthy lifestyles according to how they think and feel or according to how someone else thinks and feel. When it’s according to how the individual thinks and feel it’s normally based on unresolved inner issues. If aContinue reading “Why Some People Age, But Don’t Mature”

Looking for Someone to Change Your Life

Far too many people are looking to someone to make their lives better. This is why we see so many people following any and everything. We see many people getting into wrong relationships and staying in them. We see people making the same bad decisions over and over. People are desperately looking up to otherContinue reading “Looking for Someone to Change Your Life”

Looking at The Lives of Other People

Too many people are mesmerized and fixated on the lives of other individuals. They look at what other people have and secretly desire to have what the other people have or even desire to be like the other people. They see what’s in their faces, but don’t know the story or the struggle behind whatContinue reading “Looking at The Lives of Other People”

What Someone Thinks of You Isn’t Your Problem

Too many of you make it your problem when you allow it to affect how you think, act, and feel. People worry too much about what negative people think of them than what is thought of self. Wasting time and energy hurting over what others say about you or do to you is futile! TrulyContinue reading “What Someone Thinks of You Isn’t Your Problem”